I like comedy programs, I find in them a space where I can laugh non-stop, on the other hand, I am a lover of martial arts programs, I find in these the means to channel my energy
I like to keep my body calm, and I found in meditation that moment of relaxation where I not only relax my body but also my mind, thus achieving the desired tranquility and peace.
I am a high performance athlete, that's why I practice various sports, such as swimming, soccer, weights and athletics, with these sports and a good balanced diet of vegetables and proteins, I can keep my body optimized.
Well this part I would like to share them with all my followers one of my dreams is to be able to travel around the world to share with the different cultures, races and beliefs from every corner of the planet, to share knowledge, sexuality, and everything that has to do with helping us to ourselves!
Well, I would like to tell you that I am a lover of Colombian cuisine! Some years ago I started to cook our different typical dishes and I tell you that I have had a success! Thanks to this I was able to feed myself like a king, managing to mix the necessary proteins by playing with the variety of carbohydrates that grows in Colombia and always with the best fruit and vegetable salads to accompany a magical and delicious dish for any world palate!
Well I am a lover of knowledge of the myths and legends of the human rasa. I love the fantasy they used to tell or transmit their knowledge, I am fascinated by the way events were narrated, the way they saw the mental and material world in the different civilizations that have passed through the history of humanity!
Well, on the other hand, my sexual part dreams of one day finding that person who fulfills my sexual expectations! Where you can experience divine sex with this person!
Well in the sexual part I am very daring I like to submit to my partners with my sexual strength I always use verbal communication and with signs they are very expressive in my sex! I like that my prey always reach orgasm and develop divine emotions and feelings in them to the sex that I give them!
Well as I am a dominant male! I would like to share with you this facet and be able to take and fuck them both physically and mentally! Have them dominated and submissive to my sexual divinity!
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