my week to been hard, almost not and slept because and taken to my grandmother to hospital to the state very sick, nevertheless and continued training and working of personnel trainer, likewise and trained in the very hard gymnasium to be in form for all of you, the life is not easy for anybody, the weekends I am going to distribute markets for poor people, since in week my friends do it because in week I have not left time.I go forward with my sleep of creating a foundation it will never finish
Today I have not slept well because I have worked all night and I went to buy food to give to poor people who have nothing to eat, the life we are not in favor of the same way.Who is not born to serve is not useful to live, helping others is my reason for being
Today I am a bit tired, since I did a demolishing leg routine, since I must be in shape; I got up at 05:00 hours I did cardio on an empty stomach, then abdominals, then I ate 120 grams of oatmeal, 06 egg whites and an apple, so I went to the gym, where I did squats with 140 kilos deep to the fault that is to say maximum repetition until my legs felt cramps, then sancados to failure with 60 kilos, extensions with 190 pounds, calf with 40 kilos at maximum elevation, was a routine of crazy since the rest between each series was 16 seconds was brutal, to the terminal I ate almost a chicken with pure potato, I slept one hour and I came to work in order to find the love of my life, I am very tender, but wild and dominant, I like romantic men but daring and complacent
These days I was not connected, as I had complex situations in my house.and today I connect, for those who want to meet me, I am a tender man, but also abrupt, in search of true love, I like to play in bed I am complacent, but I also like to be pleasing in every way.I want to buy a nice house and that my family has a good lifestyle, first is the family.
Today me very early east I did cardio on an empty stomach, later I extracted my pets to the park, on having come to my househice un desayuno con avena en ojuelas, 6 claras de huevo, y un scoop de proteina, seguidamente fui a entrenar hombro, con biceps y triceps, fue agotador ya que estoy en definicon muscular y ando con pocos carbo hidratos y mi energia es poca, por ende mantengo un poco exahusto, estoy preocupado por que mi abuela esta muy enferma y no tengo dinero para sus medicamentos, espero que este mes sea bueno y genere ingresos
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